Also known as Auto Straddle, is an intraday selling strategy for both call and put options in the Nifty weekly options market. It’s designed to continuously roll positions in response to market movements, thriving in low-volatility and range-bound markets. It’s advised to avoid trading on ‘event days’.
Factor: Auto Straddle
Margin required: Rs. 160,000 for 1X multiplier
Start Time: 09:20 AM
End Time: 3:05 PM
Execution Days: All Days
Preferable Days: Wednesday and Thursday
Favourable Conditions:
Risk Factors:
Default Parameters:
This strategy trades in NIFTY weekly options. This is an intraday option selling strategy which sells both Call & Put options of the same strike. This strategy is designed in a way that it keeps rolling the positions according to market directions. This strategy benefits in low volatile and range bound markets.
Note: – Trading in this strategy should be avoided on an ‘event day’